Friday, May 23, 2008

No More Baby!!

Today I dropped my youngest Joseph off at school for his first day of school, well orientation. He gets to meet his teacher and see what school will be like. He was so excited. He had his shoes, jacket and backpack all on and waited at the door for half an hour! When I dropped him off, I noticed he is pretty much the smallest in his class and he looked so little, like I was dropping off a toddler. He was a bit shy but seemed happy to be there and had no problem with me leaving so that was good. There was a little girl there who was crying very hard, clinging on to her big sister, who dropped her off. My heart went out to her, I remember what that was like. I went to 5 different schools in kindergarten and I was painfully shy. I remember all too well how that felt! Luckily, Joseph didn't cry or I might have too! Here are a few pics of Joseph, now big school boy:


Jessica Holder said...

WOW! I remember Joseph when he was just learning to crawl! What a big boy! Kindergarten's a biggie when it comes to our kids's milestones. Great pics!