Friday, October 20, 2006


Well, tonight is the big board meeting. I'm nervous about it but excited that it has finally come. I pray it goes well and that God gives Jim a peace going into this meeting. I thank you for all your prayers and words of encouragement, it means a lot! I will post tomorrow and let you know how the board meeting went. I can't believe how fast October has gone, it will be Halloween before we know it. There are two birthdays in our house next month and that will make November go fast for me too. Then there's Christmas. G and J are coming over from PEI to have Christmas with us. I'm very excited about it. I'm making the Christmas meal this year, for the first time! Yes, I said for the first time! Jim and I have been married for 9yrs. and I have yet to make a turkey, isn't that sad? We have always gone somewhere else or Fran was over and cooked the turkey. I hope I can make the meal as half as good as the ones I've enjoyed all these years! Well, I'm off work for the weekend. Better get ready to go, I get to walk home in the rain! Thanks for reading!
P.S. The picture above is one my Dad took while driving the Cabot Trail here in Cape Breton on his visit


Anonymous said...

Hey Harmony - I know, I know... I finally got a chance to sit down and read through some of your blogs, some friend - eh. I sent you some pics of the girls. I hope you got them.

It's funny about the turkey! You'll do great, I know you will. The turkey part is easy. It's timing everything to come out hot all at once!

We all miss you terribly.

Love you,